Friday, 10 February 2017



Acoustics   --- The science of sound

Acrobatics  --- The study and art of performing feats

Aerodynnamics-- The science of gases

Aeronautics-- the science of air navigation

Aerostatics-- The study of balooninig

Aesthetics-- The philosophy of fine arts.

Agronomy-- The study of rural economy

Agrostology-- The study of gasess.

Alchemy-- Chemistry in ancient times.

Anatomy-- Science of body structure-cutting up of animal bodies and studying parts thereof.

Abroculture-- Cultivation of trees.

Archaeology--  Study of antiques

Astrophysics-- Physical nature and composition of stars.

Astrology-- Art of prediction.

Astronomy--The study of heavenly bodies.

Astronautics-- Science of space flight

Bacteriology--  Study of bacteria

Ballistics--  Science of launching projectile into the atmosphere of the outer space.

Biochemistry-- The chemistry of living things.

Bio comics--  Relationship of forms of life to one another.

Biology-- Science of life.

Bio metrics--  Statistical study of biology.

Bionics--  Study of mechanical system that behave like living beings.

biophysics--  A branch of biology dealing with biological structure and process in physics.

Botany--  A branch of biology dealing with biological structure and processes in physics.

Botany--  Science of plants.

Bionomy-- The science of laws of life.

Calisthenics--  Science of exercise for promoting beauty and strength

Cartography--  Art of drawing as per scales representing distnces and location of places.

Ceramics-- Art of pottery

Chemotherapy-- Treatment of a disease of chemical compounds.

Cosmography--  Science dealing with constitution of reverse.

Cosmology--  Science of the universe as a whole origin.

Chemistry--  Science of elements and the laws of their combination and behaviour.

Criminology--  Studyy of crime and criminals.

Crystallography--  Study of structure, forms and properties of crystals.

Cryogenics--  Science dealing with very low temperature.

Cybernetics--  Control and communication system.

Cytology-- Study of cells (living units).

Demography--  Statistics of birth and disease.

Dermatology--  Study of skin.

Ecology--  Study of environment and effect of life and interaction between different living organisms (animals and plants) and matter.

Embryology-- Study of formation and development of embryo.

Entomology-- Study of insects.

Etymology-- Science concerned with facts relating to formation and meaning of words.

Gastronomy--  Art of good eating.

Genetics-- Study of heredity of individuals.

Geophysics--  Study of forces in the earth.

Geology--  Study of earth's crust and inter-relation ships of its strata, from the viewpoint of earth resources.

Geopolitics--  National political life in relation to its geographical feature.

Holography--   Method of producing three dimensional pictures.

Hydropathy--  Medical treatment by external and internal application of water.

Palistry-- Study of line on palm of hand.

Pathology--  Science of diseases.

Philately-- Art of stamp collection.

Philology--  Study of languages.

Phonetics--  art of correct pronunciation.

Phrenology--  Study of skull and brain.

Physics--  Science of the properties and inter relation-ships of energy and matter.

Physiology--  Science of normal functions and phenomenon of living beings.

Taxonomy--  Study of classification of organisms.

Topography--  Art of representing on a map, the physical feature of a place.

Toxicology--  Science dealing with position.

Seismology--  Science of the earthquake and earth movements.

Psychology--  Science of human mind and behavior.

Psychiatry--  Medical science dealing with mental diseases.

Gerontology--  Study of old age.

Numismatics--  The study of coins and metals.

Philately--   Art of stamp collection.

Optics--     Science of light, sight and colour.

Odontology--  Study of teeth.

Mycology--    Study of Fungi.

Neurology--   Study of nerves.

Mechanics--   Study of motion of material bodies.

Eugenics--    Study of production of better offsprings.

Padagogy-- Science of teaching.

Osteology--   Study of bones.

Toxicology--  Science dealing with poisons.

Sericulture-- Study of silk-worm breading.

Philology--   Study of languages.


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