21. A person wants to contest election for the membership of Gram Panchayat, what should be his age?(1) 18 years or above
(2) 19 years or above
(3) 21 years of above
(4) Minimum 25 years
22. Who summons the joint sitting of the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha?(1) President
(2) Speaker of the Lok Sabha
(3) Chairman of the Rajya Sabha
(4) Prime Minister
23. Which of the following is not a source of revenue to the village panchayat?(1) Property Tax
(2) House Tax
(3) Land Tax
(4) Vehicle Tax
24. All electioneering campaigns during the time of elections are stopped.(1) 48 hours before the appointed time of election results
(2) 48 hours before the actual poll
(3) 24 hours before the actual poll
(4) 36 hours before the actual poll
25. Who appoints the Chief Election Commissioner of India?(1) President
(2) Prime Minister
(3) Parliament
(4) Chief Justice of India
26. The General Budget is presented in the parliament normally in the month of(1) January
(2) February
(3) March
(4) Last month of the year
27. Who is the signatory on the Indian currency notes in denomination of two rupees and above?(1) Secretary, Reserve Bank of India
(2) Finance Secretary, Minister of Finance
(3) Governor, Reserve Bank of India
(4) Finance Minister, Ministry of Finance
28. The monetary unit of Bangladesh is(1) Rupee
(2) Takka
(3) Rupiah
(4) Dollar
29. Sellers market denotes a situation where(1) Commodities are available at competitive rates
(2) Demand exceeds supply
(3) Supply exceeds demand
(4) Supply and demand are equal
30. Development means economic growth plus(1) Inflation
(2) Deflation
(3) Price stability
(4) Social change
21. (3) 22. (1) 23. (3) 24. (4) 25. (1) 26. (2) 27. (3) 28. (2) 29. (2) 30. (4)
(2) 19 years or above
(3) 21 years of above
(4) Minimum 25 years
22. Who summons the joint sitting of the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha?(1) President
(2) Speaker of the Lok Sabha
(3) Chairman of the Rajya Sabha
(4) Prime Minister
23. Which of the following is not a source of revenue to the village panchayat?(1) Property Tax
(2) House Tax
(3) Land Tax
(4) Vehicle Tax
24. All electioneering campaigns during the time of elections are stopped.(1) 48 hours before the appointed time of election results
(2) 48 hours before the actual poll
(3) 24 hours before the actual poll
(4) 36 hours before the actual poll
25. Who appoints the Chief Election Commissioner of India?(1) President
(2) Prime Minister
(3) Parliament
(4) Chief Justice of India
26. The General Budget is presented in the parliament normally in the month of(1) January
(2) February
(3) March
(4) Last month of the year
27. Who is the signatory on the Indian currency notes in denomination of two rupees and above?(1) Secretary, Reserve Bank of India
(2) Finance Secretary, Minister of Finance
(3) Governor, Reserve Bank of India
(4) Finance Minister, Ministry of Finance
28. The monetary unit of Bangladesh is(1) Rupee
(2) Takka
(3) Rupiah
(4) Dollar
29. Sellers market denotes a situation where(1) Commodities are available at competitive rates
(2) Demand exceeds supply
(3) Supply exceeds demand
(4) Supply and demand are equal
30. Development means economic growth plus(1) Inflation
(2) Deflation
(3) Price stability
(4) Social change
21. (3) 22. (1) 23. (3) 24. (4) 25. (1) 26. (2) 27. (3) 28. (2) 29. (2) 30. (4)
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